Rites of Value
Where the important times in our lives can be marked or celebrated in a personally meaningful way
Where the important times in our lives can be marked or celebrated in a personally meaningful way
In times past, people had a stronger connection with a church or community leader that they went to in times of celebration or ceremony. Someone they knew and trusted would help them mark their important family occasions.
Families have recognised rites of passage that should be marked to help us remember, celebrate and cope with change – births, marriages and the end of life.
Increasingly people don’t have an obvious link with a church and find that at the times we need most support, we are left alone to organise what should be a memorable occasion.
A celebrant can help you to design meaningful ceremonies or celebrations, with your personal values in mind, to make precious memories and help find spirituality in a secular society
For those with faith – no faith – some faith – shared faith – uncertain faith – unique faith
Your event should be inclusive of your individual values and include items of meaning for you.
Service of celebration of life - ending-sending-remembrance
Saying goodbye to a loved pet
Handfasting - coupling - renewal of vows
Naming - blessing - welcoming - thanking
After divorce or separation - After redundancy - Blessing for those travelling or family partings
Marking the rituals and phases of life
Learning how to celebrate and mark important events
Finding a deeper meaning in a secular society
Meaningful comfort and connection
To offer relevant, personalised services and events to mark important times in life
To welcome children into the family or community to support the parent and nurture the child
To celebrate the union of a couple – making promises and blessing the union or renewing of vows in a meaningful way
Are there times when you are lost for words or feeling emotional about an event you want to plan
Do you need someone to vocalise what you want to say in a memorable and recognisable way
Do you have promises or statements you want to make and need to make them personal and fit for your event
Would you like to include music, special words, symbols and individual touches to make your event personal and relevant to your family
What we offer:
Meet before the event, Plan format
Choose music, words, activities, symbolism to make an event personal and relevant
Lead the event or leave it to you and your family on the day